Rua Dr. Teófilo Braga, 21
2670-480 Loures, Portugal
(351) 913 767 671
(351) 219 886 346
Rua Dr. Teófilo Braga, 21
2670-480 Loures, Portugal
(351) 913 767 671
(351) 219 886 346
Improve people's financial literacy and security!
Offering tailored and unbiased consultancy services to our clients.
Somos uma equipa com um objetivo comum: fazer a diferença na vida financeira das pessoas!
Existem várias razões pelas quais nos destacamos como intermediários de crédito e nos diferenciamos de outras empresas do setor. Aqui partilhamos alguns desses motivos, e os outros deixamos que descubra por si:
A nossa empresa conta com anos de experiência no mercado financeiro e na intermediação de crédito. Este percurso permite-nos ter um conhecimento profundo das melhores práticas, das condições oferecidas pelas instituições financeiras e das estratégias mais eficazes para responder às necessidades dos nossos clientes.
Mantemos relações sólidas com diversas instituições bancárias e financeiras, o que nos permite oferecer uma vasta gama de opções de crédito aos nossos clientes. Estas parcerias garantem-nos condições competitivas e maior agilidade no processo de aprovação.
Tailored service:
A nossa equipa de profissionais certificados e altamente qualificados dedica-se a compreender as necessidades específicas de cada cliente. Assim, conseguimos oferecer soluções personalizadas, considerando a prestação, o perfil de crédito e os objetivos financeiros de cada um.
Valorizamos a transparência em todas as etapas do processo. Explicamos claramente aos nossos clientes as condições, os custos e os riscos envolvidos em cada opção de crédito, permitindo que tomem decisões informadas e estejam cientes de todas as cláusulas contratuais.
O nosso objetivo é oferecer uma experiência rápida e eficiente. Com recursos tecnológicos avançados e um processo simplificado, conseguimos agilizar a análise de crédito e a aprovação, reduzindo o tempo de espera.
Customer care:
A relação com os nossos clientes não termina na aprovação do crédito. A nossa equipa está sempre disponível para prestar suporte contínuo, esclarecer dúvidas e ajudar em eventuais imprevistos ao longo do prazo do crédito.
Estes são apenas alguns dos motivos que nos diferenciam. Trabalhamos com dedicação e comprometimento para garantir que os nossos clientes tenham acesso às melhores opções de crédito e a uma experiência positiva durante todo o processo.
Oferecemos um serviço de aconselhamento gratuito, personalizado e independente, através do qual é possível solicitar novos créditos, analisar as condições dos atuais e/ou renegociar as mesmas, assegurando assim a máxima poupança mensal para cada cliente.
Os valores apresentados são meramente indicativos.
Simulate your Home Mortage Loan here! Quickly and easily get an estimate of your potential monthly payments.
Contacting us for a personalized proposal is highly recommended as we may be able to find even better conditions for you!
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Simulate your House Insurance here! Get a quick and easy estimate of your potential monthly costs.
Contacting us for a personalized proposal is highly recommended as we may be able to find even better conditions for you!
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Simule aqui o seu Seguro de Vida! De forma rápida e simples, tenha uma previsão daqueles que poderão ser os seus encargos mensais.
Contacting us for a personalized proposal is highly recommended as we may be able to find even better conditions for you!
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A LVL Consulting tem como objetivo aconselhar e apresentar aos seus clientes as soluções de financiamento mais vantajosas, com as prestações mensais mais baixas.
O nosso intuito é permitir que paguem o mínimo possível, assegurando assim a máxima poupança mensal. O nosso serviço é personalizado, rápido e eficaz, adaptando-se a cada realidade apresentada pelos clientes.
Please use the form to contact us or request more information.
Rua Dr. Teófilo Braga, N.21
2670-480 Loures
219 886 346 (chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
913 767 671 (chamada para a rede móvel nacional)
We specialize in credit intermediation and consulting services related to credit agreements. We provide personalized, independent, and free-of-charge advisory services to clients, with the aim of effectively obtaining the most suitable solutions for each household.
A credit broker is an individual or legal entity that participates in the credit granting process by:
Presenting or proposing credit agreements for consumers consideration:
Assisting consumers in the preparatory acts of credit agreements, even if not presented or proposed by them;
Acting as a representative of financial institutions in the execution of credit agreements with consumers;
Providing advisory services through the issuance of personalized recommendations on credit agreements.
The credit broker is not authorized to grant credit or to participate in the marketing of other banking products or services, such as time deposits or payment services.
Our brokerage and consulting services are free of charge under Decree-Law 81C.
Registered Name: Vale Levy Unipessoal, Lda.
Registered Office: Rua Dr. Teófilo Braga, N.21, 2670-480 Loures
Associated credir broker registry number 0006928
Company´s Telephone: +351 219 886 346 (National landline call)
Company´s Email:
Verifiable at:
Agreement´s with:
Credit brakerage services for which we are authorized to provide:
Presentation or proposal of credit agreements to consumers; Credit profile analysis; Presentation of personalized proposals; Negotiation of better terms; Pre-Contractual Assistance; Guidance and clarification of doubts: Consulting Services.
Civil Responsability Insurance
Hiscox S.A. – Sucursal em Portugal
Insurance Policy Number: 2529037
Valid from 12/04/2023 untill 11/04/2024
Nome da seguradora, do mutuante ou do grupo de mutuantes (consoante aplicável)
Hiscox S.A. – Sucursal em Portugal
Número de contrato de seguro: 2529038
Valid from 12/04/2023 untill 11/04/2024
Under no circumstances may Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda receive any payments from consumers related to the formation, execution, or early settlement of credit agreements, in accordance with Article 46 of the aforementioned legislation: Decree-Law 81-C/2017 of July 7.
The activity of credit brokerage is subject to the supervision of the Bank of Portugal.
Complaints about Credit Brokerage Activities Clients who wish to file a complaint about the aforementioned credit intermediation activities may do so in person by filling out the available Complaints Book or by submitting a complaint directly to the Bank of Portugal. To submit a complaint directly to the Bank of Portugal, clients must fill out the online complaint form available on the Bank of Portugal's website, following the instructions carefully. Alternatively, clients may print and fill out the complaint form and send it by mail to the following address: Banco de Portugal Apartado 2240 1106-001 Lisboa
Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda.
NIPC: 516917021
Credit Broker registered with the Bank of Portugal under license number 0006928
Registered office at Rua Dr. Teófilo Braga, N.º21, 2670-480 Loures
Information on credit brokers registered with the Banco de Portugal can be found at:
Credit BrokerageActivity Description | Credit Mediation Activity Description | Credit Intermediation Services Description | Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) | Data Protection | Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) Policy | Online Complaints Platform
In case of a litigation, the consumer may resort to an Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity (ADR) for consumer disputes:
CACCL (Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo – Lisboa).
Rua dos Douradores n.º 116, 2º, 1100 – 207 Lisboa
National Consumer Dispute Information and Arbitration Center
Rua D. Afonso Henriques, 1 4700-030 Braga
For more information, please visit the Consumer Portal at
Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda is committed to protect the privacy of its clients, has developed this Privacy Policy which explains the privacy practices and options available for how your information is collected and used. The privacy policy may be changed, either due to changes in legislation or in order to cover new developments on the Internet itself.
Personal Identifiable Information (PII) may be requested when submitting a contact request. Providing personal information is not mandatory and is at the User's discretion. However, if you choose not to provide the requested personal information, you may not be able to complete your request.
To safeguard the confidentiality of your personal information, we have implemented a robust security framework with multiple layers of protection. Your data is stored on secure networks accessible only by a select group of authorized personnel who are bound by strict confidentiality agreements. It is important to acknowledge that while we take all reasonable precautions to protect your information and privacy, inherent risks are associated with transmitting data over the internet. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of any information you transmit electronically.
Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda. is the administrator and controller of the collected information, using a dedicated server infrastructure. We offer sufficient guarantees regarding the protection of your personal information, which is managed in accordance with current legislation and this privacy policy. Only Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda. and its "DS INTERMEDIÁRIOS DE CRÉDITO" network agencies will have access to your personal information. We do not sell, exchange, or transfer your personal information to third parties in any way. You may choose at any time not to allow the sharing of your personal information by sending us an email.
For any questions regarding this privacy policy and the privacy aspects of our products and services, or to file a complaint, please contact:
Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda.
Company´s Email:
Company´s Telephone: +351 219 886 346 (National landline call)
Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda, a credit broker linked to the Decisões e Soluções Group, holding a DS Intermediários de Crédito agency.
General Terms and Conditions apply to access and use of the website/blog. Acceptance of the terms and conditions is absolutely essential for its use.
A Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda, reserva-se no direito de modificar unilateralmente, em qualquer momento e sem aviso prévio, a apresentação e configuração do website/blog.
Ao submeter os seus dados na solicitação de um pedido de contacto, o Utilizador autoriza expressamente a Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda., perante a sua agência “DS INTERMEDIÁRIOS DE CRÉDITO a enviar informação sobre serviços que possam ser do seu interesse, utilizando ainda os seus dados pessoais para efeitos de marketing direto e publicidade, mediante a utilização de correio eletrónico ou contacto telefónico.
Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda. shall only be liable for damages that the User may suffer as a result of using the website/blog when such damages are attributable to its intentional misconduct. It shall not be liable for damages or losses of any kind that may result, including but not limited to:
(i) Delays or blockages in use caused by Internet deficiencies or overloads.
(ii) Potential errors or security vulnerabilities that may arise from the User's use of an outdated or insecure browser version, or from any damages, errors or inaccuracies that may result from its malfunction.
The content of this website/blog is the intellectual property of Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda. and is protected by national and international laws.
Unauthorized reproduction, modification, copying, use, distribution, commercialization, public communication or any other use of the information on this website/blog is a violation of intellectual property laws.
In no event shall it be understood that any license is granted or any waiver, transfer or assignment, total or partial, of the aforementioned rights is made, without the prior express authorization of Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda. or the respective owners.
On the other hand, it should in no case be understood that any rights are granted, and in particular, no right of modification, exploitation, distribution or public communication of the aforementioned content without the prior express authorization of Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda. or the respective owners.
This website/blog uses cookies for its proper functioning. While third parties are not obligated to accept cookies, if they do not accept them, the website/blog may not function correctly.
Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda. does not authorize third parties to link its website/blog to their own or any other website/blog without the prior written consent of Vale Levy Unipessoal Lda.
If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, you can contact us by email to;
These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Portugal.
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Vale Levy, Unip. Lda is a associated credir broker registred with the number 0006928.
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